Childcare and Learning Center
Sea Otters
Welcome to the Sea Otters! Our day is full of fun, and learning, through play. We offer a developmentally appropriate, child-directed curriculum with a variety of manipulatives to strengthen fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and encourage sensory exploration. The Toddler class visits the playground twice daily to strengthen and flex gross motor skills. Please provide appropriate, supportive footwear for running, climbing, and jumping. Please label ALL of your child’s belongings.
Musical activities are a favorite for toddlers. The children love to sing, dance, and play musical instruments. We offer music, of all varieties, everyday. In addition, during our school year, twice monthly, we have a music class with Miss Nikki.
Language skills begin to flourish at the toddler stage of development. As with our older classes, language is encouraged through reading storybooks, singing songs, and reciting poems. Children are supported as they learn to verbally express their feelings, needs, and wants.
We will encourage your child to become more independent with their self help skills (i.e. hand and face washing, putting on/taking off coats and jackets, drinking from small plastic cups, and cleaning up after meals and play). The teachers will also help the children understand the importance of sharing with their peers (a HUGE challenge). Toilet training is also introduced. If a child shows interest we will gladly work with them on the toileting process.
The three Toddlers Rooms, (Sea Horses, Sea Otters and Sea Turtles) work very closely together. It is a cohesive environment which allows your child to be familiar with all teachers and classes. Please remember that we are always available to speak with you about any concerns and answer any questions that may arise at any time. You are welcome to call or schedule an appointment with us when it is convenient for you.
Sea Otters Daily Schedule:
7:00- 8:00 - arrival and breakfast
8:00- 8:45 – free play
8:45- 9:00 – diapers and hand washing
9:00- 9:30 – circle/Music and Movement
9:30- 10:00 – art time/ morning project
10:00- 10:15 – hand washing
10:15- 10:30 – sun block/ bug spray application
10:30- 11:30 – outside time/ gross motor activities
11:30- hand washing
11:35- 12:00 – lunch
12:00- 12:45 – lunch clean up, diapers, and teeth brushing
12:45- 3:00 – rest time (clean up 3:00-3:15)
3:15- 3:30 – diapers and hand washing
3:30- 4:00 – afternoon snack
4:00- 4:15 – hand washing/ bug spray and sun block application
4:15- 5:15 – outside time/ gross motor activities
5:15- 5:30 – hand/face washing and diaper changes
5:30- 6:30 – pick- up to go home and quiet table top activities/ books